The scientific committee:

Imad M. Ghafor - Professor - Paleontology/ University of Sulaimani

Ezzadin N. Baban - Professor - Geophysics/ University of Sulaimani

Dler H. Baban - Professor - Petroleum Geology/ University of Sulaimani

Fadhil A. Lawa - Professor - Sequence Stratigraphy/ University of Sulaimani

Tola A. Mirza - Professor - Rock and Minerals/ University of Sulaimani

Ghafor A. Hamasur - Professor - Engineering Geology/ University of Sulaimani

Polla A. Khanqa - Professor - Organic Petrology/ Kurdistan Institute for Strategic Studies and Scientific Researches

Howri A. Mansurbeg - Professor - Stratigraphy/ Department of Geology, Palacký University, 17. listopadu 12, Olomouc 77146, Czechia

Sherif Farouk - Professor - Stratigraphy/ Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute

Diary A. Al-Manmi - Professor - Water resources/ Sulaimani Polytechnic University

Zeljka Fiket - Assist. Professor - Environmental geochemistry/ Divison for Marine and Environmental Research, Rud¯er Boškovic´ Institute, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Hemin Koyi - Professor - Structure geology/ Uppsala University, Sweden

Stavros Kaladizis - Assist. Professor - Economic geology/ Department of Geology, University of Patras, 26504 Rio-Patras, Greece

Hadi S. Sajadi - Professor - Paleontology/ University of Applied Science and Technology of Al-Mahdi

Péter Szűcs - Assist. Professor - Hydrogeology/ DepUniversity of Miskolc-Institute of Water Resources and Environmental Management - Vise-Rector of General and Scientific Affairs

James Lawrence - Senior Lecturer - Geotechnics/ Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College of London