Why sponsor GeoKurdistan VI – 2024?
Sponsorship is perceived as a highly cost-effective method. When you’re a corporate sponsor of the GeoKurdistan VI – 2024, you get high visibility in a qualitative and uncluttered environment that makes your message stand out. The event’s program offers a diverse menu that insures to help you reach your target audience.
Sponsor Benefits
Increase your visibility among a regional and international audience.
Enhance your corporate image.
Reach an influential, exclusive audience.
Break through the media clutter
To obtain more information about the sponsor program, please contact us via geokurdistan.conference@univsul.edu.iq
Our GeoKurdistan VI sponsors are:

GeoKurdistan VI
The GeoKurdistan conference established in 2012. Over the years, this conference has progressed into a foremost platform for scholars, researchers, and professionals to meet, share insights, and contribute to the advancement of Earth science related topics.
+964(0)770 142 6262
Contact us
University of Sulaimani (UoS), Kirkuk Road, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq